BulgarianESTates Ltd.

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Acerca de la empresa BulgarianESTates Ltd.

Bulgarian ESTates is your online resource for Bulgarian Property, home buying, home selling, financing and property listings. Whether it's a house, apartment, or any other type of property, we can assist you with your real estate needs. 'Bulgarian Estates' Ltd is a Real Estate Agency Team dealing with Bulgarian Properties all over Bulgaria.
'Bulgarian Estates' Ltd offers properties for sale and rent in all regions of Bulgaria - along the Black sea coast, bulgarian property in ski resorts and mountain villas and house, Bulgarian houses and gardens and agricultural property in rural countryside. . .
Bulgarian off-plan apartments and holiday properties are secure investment.
'Bulgarian Estates' Ltd will guarantee the quality and effect of your investment in commercial properties, development land, holiday homes in Ski and Beach resorts, real estate investment opportunities
'Bulgarian Estates' Ltd Team provides Advice, Quidance and Support in the field of Law, Finance and Insurance.
'Bulgarian Estates' Ltd Team will assist you in getting mortgage credits.
Property management, property maintainance, etc are essential part of our activities as well as property construction, renovation.