Plot with an area of c. 27,828 sq. m (14,382 sq. m, 11/103 shares of 34,560 sq. m. M and 7/12 shares of 16,723 sq. m). It benefits from a total area of c. 665 m by registered footpaths on its northern, north-eastern and southern borders. There is no distribution agreement.
In the immediate vicinity there are both agricultural and undeveloped land plots.
These three areas fall into three planning zones:
-41,446 sq.m. fall into the agricultural zone Y3 with a building density of 10%, 10% coverage, 2 floors and a maximum height of 8.3 m.
-20,763 sq.m. fall into the residential area of Π3a with a building density of 25%, a coverage of 25%, 2 floors and a maximum height of 8.3 m.
-3 456 sq.m. protective zone Z3 with a building density of 1%, 1% coverage, on the 1st floor and a maximum height of 5 m.