NF Group Middle East

At the moment company NF Group Middle East does not publish real estate offers on the portal. You can use the Real estate agencies Catalog to search for companies or services that interest you.

About company NF Group Middle East

Parus Real Estate - international business brunch of NF Group (formerly known as Knight Frank Russia) which is the group of real estate consulting companies based in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

For over 25 years, our team has been working with international real estate markets and leading developers worldwide. We possess unique knowledge and expertise in the luxury real estate sector, and our strong connections with international partners allow us to maintain stability in any economic conditions.

The experts at Parus Real Estate deal with all segments of residential and commercial real estate worldwide, providing a full range of services. These services include researching international real estate markets, forecasting market trends, and offering comprehensive support throughout the process of buying or selling residential, commercial, and investment projects.