Dinevi Group BG

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About company Dinevi Group BG

The leading Bulgarian company was founded by Dinko and Yordan Dinevi in 1989. The company was the first in Bulgaria to start building gated resort complexes specializing in the elite real estate segment.

To date, Dinevi Group has completed a wide range of large-scale projects across the country, including residential complexes, hotels, educational institutions, commercial properties, and much more.

Dinevi Group has established itself as one of the most reliable construction companies in Bulgaria. Throughout its 35-year history, the company has never relied on bank loans or any other forms of external borrowing. This debt-free status highlights its financial strength and stability.

Foreign investors have been involved in some construction projects in Saint Vlas together with Dinevi Group multiple times.

This underscores the international community’s trust in the company’s projects and their high investment attractiveness.