
Copyright information

Information about terms of use of Prian materials

All materials published on the server, except cases when other proprietor of materials is obviously specified, belong to prianproperty.com. Reprint of any information from portal Prian is allowed only by a principle as is, that is without changes (excepting the sizes of graphic files) and only on the sites of Internet network. An indispensable condition of using materials belonging to Prian, is accommodation of a hyperlink on the address prianproperty.com in the way unequivocally specifying on the source of the borrowed material.

Informing server administration about using materials is welcomed. Any commercial use of materials is forbidden.

Reprint of information belonging to Prian, in printed mass media is allowed only with written permission of administration.

With any other questions concerning use of materials please refer to server administration.

Conditions de citation de Prianproperty.com matériaux