Commercial premises in the Eixample Dreta area of Barcelona. The tenant is an important call center that serves the city of Barcelona.
The specified tenant won this service in a competition. Even if after a few years he loses the competition and wins it, for example: Attention (Telefónica), you can sign a lease agreement in the same place and extend the employment contracts.
Date of conclusion of the contract: 01.10.2021.
Validity period: 01.10.2031 (10 years).
Leased to a leading multinational company, a market leader and listed on the stock exchange.
Monthly income: 9,801 euros per month (IPC update from September 2023).
Annual income: 117,612 euros per year.
Quota for the municipality for 2022: 4,419.78 euros per year, covered by the tenant.
IBI-Metropolitan tax year 2023: 9,985 euros per year, payable by the tenant.
Deposit: 2 monthly payments: 18,000 euros.
Additional guarantee in the amount of 2,382 euros.
Net profit: 5%